JD Functions performed Issues Time series check (.7-2.0hz) (hf:7-9hz) Significant signals (>.1pa) (+/- 40m/s) Power spectra data check (nightly and stacked) SOH check IMS Uptime UCSD Uptime NDC Uptime IMS Month Uptime UCSD Month Uptime NDC Month Uptime IMS Annual Uptime UCSD Annual Uptime NDC Annual Uptime
1/1/2012 1 - L3 BDA 20min spike noise 17:15
- L2 noise spike series - 01:20, 16:15
- L3 single spike - 16:55
- L2 ramp burst - 07:10
- H1, H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- H2: 3db noise increase
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/2/2012 2 - L3 BDA drops - 07:07, 11:14, 18:11
- L3 noise spike series - 01:05
- L3 single spike - 16:58
- L2 ramp burst - 06:30, 17:10
- wind speed error spike - 15:34
- H1, H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- H2: 2db noise increase
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H3 clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/3/2012 3 - L4 BDA drop - 01:54
- L3 noise spike series - 01:05
- L3 single spike - 16:57
- L2 ramp burst - 06:00, 17:08
21:26:00 - H1, H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- H2: 2db noise increase
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 clk unlocked - 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/4/2012 4 - L4 BDA drop - 10:54, 18:37
- L3 noise spike series - 01:30
- L3 single spike - 16:52
- L2 ramp burst - 07:25, 16:58
17:37, 22:25, 23:15, 23:35, 23:55 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/5/2012 5 - H1 noise spike series - 03:10
- L3 single spike - 17:38
- L2 ramp burst - 08:50, 17:45
00:05, 00:30 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 clk unlocked - 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/6/2012 6 - L3 BDA drops - 03:26, 11:30, 15:17, 18:00
- L3 single spike - 17:03
- L2 ramp burst - 06:30, 17:09
23:01:00 - 7.8 hz spike all channels
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except L4 clk. diff. too large
- H1 clk unlocked - 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/7/2012 7 - L3 BDA drop - 03:27
- L3 single spike - 17:12
- L2 ramp burst - 06:47, 17:05
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 clk unlocked - 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/8/2012 8 - L2 ramp burst - 06:05 - L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/9/2012 9 - L3 BDA drop - 09:22
- L3 single spike - 18:22
- L2 ramp burst - 03:51, 09:05, 18:27
- wind speed error spike - 15:08
- H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/10/2012 10 - H3 ramp burst - 17:00
- L2 ramp burst - 08:00, 19:10, 03:45
19:00:00 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- 7.8 hz spike all channels
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open - 06:45
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
1/11/2012 11 - windows errors required a computer restart - resulted in data gap from 17:00:20 - 17:11:00 - L2 ramp burst - 04:00, 10:00, 18:30 00:40, 05:40, 23:48 - L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H4 clk. diff. too large
- no data after 17:30 due to profile#2 work
99.259 99.259 99.259 99.933 99.933 99.933 99.933 99.933 99.933
1/12/2012 12 - L4 BDA 5min offset 08:12
- L2 ramp burst - 04:50, 13:00
01:24, 19:08 - L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- L4 clk unlocked - 03:15
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.938 99.938 99.938 99.938 99.938 99.938
1/13/2012 13 - L3 BDA drop - 04:08
- L3 single spike - 17:53
- H3 ramp burst - 14:45, 18:20
- L2 ramp burst - 09:10, 18:53
13:51, 18:38, 22:26, 23:55 - H4, L3-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H2 clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.943 99.943 99.943 99.943 99.943 99.943
1/14/2012 14 - L3 BDA drop - 10:18
- H1 single spike - 02:52, 03:16
- L3 single spike - 19:33
- H3 ramp burst - 14:45, 18:00
- L2 ramp burst - 06:08, 20:45
0:01:00 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- H3: lg. noise problem
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.947 99.947 99.947 99.947 99.947 99.947
1/15/2012 15 - L2 ramp burst - 02:02, 07:00 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H2 clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open - 08:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.951 99.951 99.951 99.951 99.951
1/16/2012 16 - L3 BDA drop - 07:44 - L4 quieter overall than other L
- L2 8hz hump larger than others
- L1-L4: 8 hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.954 99.954 99.954 99.954 99.954 99.954
1/17/2012 17 - H3 ramp burst - 13:00, 19:35
- L2 ramp burst - 20:15, 22:30
21:06:00 - H3: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1: 3db noise increase from inadequate wind filtering
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H2 clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open and ongoing start at 15:00
100.000 100.000 99.954 99.956 99.956 99.954 99.956 99.956
1/18/2012 18 - L3 single spike - 17:19
- H3 ramp burst - 06:30, 19:30
- L2 ramp burst - 02:08, 03:30, 19:13, 21:02
- H3: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1: 3db noise increase from inadequate wind filtering
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.956 99.959 99.959 99.956 99.959 99.959
1/19/2012 19 - BDA drop 05:10
- H1 strange signal series 02:50
- L3 single spike 17:03
- H3 ramp burst - 16:40
- L2 ramp burst - 03:50, 06:55, 18:07, 18:55
20:17, 20:48 - 7.8 hz spike all channels
- L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- l2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.959 99.961 99.961 99.959 99.961 99.961
1/20/2012 20 - BDA spike 01:25
- High winds all day
23:03:00 - H3: 2db noise increase
- L4 wind filtering much better than other sites
- L2: 5db noise increase
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except L3 clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.961 99.963 99.963 99.961 99.963 99.963
1/21/2012 21 - High winds all day - H3: 2db noise increase
- L4 wind filtering much better than other sites
- L2: 5db noise increase
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
- brief backfilling events at 15:30, 21:30
99.931 100.000 100.000 99.960 99.965 99.965 99.960 99.965 99.965
1/22/2012 22 - L2 ramp burst - 06:50
- Wind speed error spike - 18:14
- L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H2 clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.961 99.966 99.966 99.961 99.966 99.966
1/23/2012 23 - L2 ramp burst - 02:45, 05:45 - L2: 5db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
- brief backfilling event at 13:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.963 99.968 99.968 99.963 99.968 99.968
1/24/2012 24 - H3 ramp burst - 15:20 21:57:00 - H3: 3db noise increase from ramp burst
- L1: 3db noise increase from inadequate wind filtering
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.965 99.969 99.969 99.965 99.969 99.969
1/25/2012 25 - H3 ramp bursts in HF
- L2 ramp bursts - 00:20, 00:50, 02:10
03:15, 04:21, 04:49, 05:40 - H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- H2: increase noise at higher winds
- L1: increase noise at higher winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.966 99.970 99.970 99.966 99.970 99.970
1/26/2012 26 - BDA drop 01:36
- L2 ramp bursts - 05:38, 13:40, 17:00, 17:20
16:43, 18:10, 23:15 - L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase 8hz hump from filter damage
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
99.977 100.000 100.000 99.967 99.972 99.972 99.967 99.972 99.972
1/27/2012 27 - Wind speed error spike - 15:31
- High winds all day
- L2: increase noise from ramp burst
- L2: increase 8hz hump from filter damage
- H1: 8hz hump at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk. unlocked: 02:30
- H1 vault open all day
- minor backfilling event at 22:15
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.968 99.973 99.973 99.968 99.973 99.973
1/28/2012 28 - moderate winds all day
- L2 ramp burst - 05:03, 18:00
6:36:00 - L2: increase noise from ramp burst
- L2: increase 8hz hump from filter damage
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all except H2 clk. diff. too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.969 99.974 99.974 99.969 99.974 99.974
1/29/2012 29 - L3 BDA drops at 04:15
- H3 ramp bursts: 14:00, 18:00
- L2 ramp bursts - 03:56, 08:00, 18:45, 19:35
02:35, 03:04 - H4, L1-L4: integer hz spikes
- H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase 8hz hump from filter damage
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 vault open all day
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.970 99.974 99.974 99.970 99.974 99.974
1/30/2012 30 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.971 99.975 99.975 99.971 99.975 99.975
1/31/2012 31 - L2 WNRS testing/repairs 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.972 99.976 99.976 99.972 99.976 99.976
2/1/2012 32 - install new magnetic switch at H1
- L1 WNRS testing/repairs
BWS negative shift @ 22:12 due to buffer opamp failure similar to issue on 7/7/11 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.973 99.977 99.977
2/2/2012 33 - L1 WNRS testing/repairs BWS negative shift due to opamp failure 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.974 99.978 99.978
2/3/2012 34 BWS negative shift due to opamp failure 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.975 99.978 99.978
2/4/2012 35 BWS negative shift due to opamp failure 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.976 99.979 99.979
2/5/2012 36 BWS negative shift due to opamp failure 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.976 99.979 99.979
2/6/2012 37 BWS negative shift due to opamp failure 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.976 99.980 99.980
2/7/2012 38 - Power cycle WS425RF
- L1 WNRS testing/repairs
BWS negative shift fixed at 20:25 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.977 99.981 99.981
2/8/2012 39 - H4 WNRS testing/repairs 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.977 99.981 99.981
2/9/2012 40 - Power cycled GCI router at their request
- H1 WNRS testing/repairs
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.978 99.981 99.981
2/10/2012 41 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.979 99.982 99.982
2/11/2012 42 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.979 99.982 99.982
2/12/2012 43 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.980 99.983 99.983
2/13/2012 44 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.980 99.983 99.983
2/14/2012 45 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.981 99.984 99.984
2/15/2012 46 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.981 99.984 99.984
2/16/2012 47 - Rowly cleared snow from GCI dish GCI reports outage starting at 1:25, pfo also experienced a power outage and Toro peak antenna was iced 94.796 91.156 84.329 99.653 99.447 99.021 99.866 99.796 99.651
2/17/2012 48 97.060 96.296 96.366 99.491 99.262 98.864 99.805 99.723 99.582
2/18/2012 49 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.521 99.303 98.927 99.809 99.729 99.591
2/19/2012 50 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.548 99.340 98.984 99.813 99.734 99.599
2/20/2012 51 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.571 99.373 99.035 99.817 99.739 99.607
2/21/2012 52 forwarder restart for unknown reason @ 17:05 99.838 99.907 99.907 99.585 99.398 99.076 99.817 99.743 99.613
2/22/2012 53 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.604 99.425 99.118 99.821 99.748 99.620
2/23/2012 54 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.622 99.450 99.157 99.824 99.752 99.627
2/24/2012 55 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.639 99.473 99.192 99.828 99.757 99.634
2/25/2012 56 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.654 99.494 99.224 99.831 99.761 99.640
2/26/2012 57 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.668 99.514 99.254 99.834 99.765 99.647
2/27/2012 58 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.681 99.532 99.282 99.837 99.769 99.653
2/28/2012 59 Snow caused GCI transmission issues - high winds all day 22:46:00 - H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase 8hz hump from unknown source
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 16:00
- minor backfilling event at 18:00
99.884 100.000 100.000 99.688 99.549 99.307 99.838 99.773 99.659
2/29/2012 60 - H3 ramp bursts: 06:30, 12:30 19:30:00 - H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase 8hz hump from unknown source
- L1-L3: increase noise at higher winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked 3 separate times
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.699 99.564 99.331 99.840 99.777 99.664
3/1/2012 61 - high winds all day - H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- H2: slightly higher noise at high wind speeds
- L2: increase 8hz hump from unknown source
- L1-L3: increase noise at higher winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 14:00, 16:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.843 99.781 99.670
3/2/2012 62 - moderate winds all day
- H3 ramp bursts: 13:00, 16:30, 19:30
- H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- H2: slightly higher noise at high wind speeds
- L2: increase 8hz hump from unknown source
- L1-L3: increase noise at higher winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 14:00, 16:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.846 99.784 99.675
3/3/2012 63 - H3 ramp bursts: 08:00, 18:45
- L2 ramp bursts: 02:21, 04:24, 18:43
00:46, 19:03 - H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L1: increase noise at very low wind possibly due to non-ramp noise burst
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 13:30, 15:30, 16:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.848 99.788 99.680
3/4/2012 64 GCI backfill events at 15:45, 23:25 - H3 ramp bursts: 15:30
- L2 ramp bursts: 04:28, 09:45, 17:37
- H3: increase noise from ramp bursts
- L2: increase noise from ramp bursts
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 13:30
- bkfill events at 15:45, 23:25
99.954 100.000 100.000 99.989 100.000 100.000 99.850 99.791 99.685
3/5/2012 65 GCI backfill event at 22:50 - L3 BDA drops: 03:07, 03:35, 04:12
- BWS spikes: 14:08, 20:06
- L2 ramp bursts: 06:12, 18:45
- L3 single spike: 19:03
17:55:00 - L2: increase noise from ramp bursts - all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 13:00, 16:00
- bkfill events at 00:45, 22:30
99.977 100.000 100.000 99.986 100.000 100.000 99.852 99.794 99.690
3/6/2012 66 - connect gci fe1 to internet
- fixed APC USB connection
- profile2 updates
- H1 WNRS repairs
- H1 GPS receiver alignment
- L2 ramp burst: 10:02 - L2: increase noise
- L1-L3: increase noise at high winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 clk unlocked: 13:30, 15:30, 19:30, 23:30
- bkfill events at 15:00, 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.989 100.000 100.000 99.854 99.797 99.695
3/7/2012 67 - H2 WNRS repairs - L2 ramp burst: 22:32, 23:35 15:17, 17:23, 21:04 - L2: increase noise
- L1-L3: increase noise at high winds
- L1-L4: 8hz hump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.990 100.000 100.000 99.857 99.800 99.699
3/8/2012 68 - H3 WNRS repairs - H3 ramp burst 15:50
- L2 ramp bursts: 01:32, 03:45
03:35, 03:40, 17:10, 18:10, 23:12 - H2: increase noise at high winds
- L1: increase noise at high winds
- L2 increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.991 100.000 100.000 99.859 99.803 99.704
3/9/2012 69 - H3 hf ramp burst: 15:30
- L2 ramp bursts: 04:03, 08:20, 18:05
- L1 noise burst: 13:35
00:42, 10:29 - H1, H4: integer hz spikes
- H3: increase noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increase noise due to noise burst
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large except h2 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.992 100.000 100.000 99.861 99.806 99.708
3/10/2012 70 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- BWS spike: 17:46
- L2 ramp bursts: 05:29, 12:00, 17:25
- L1: slight increase noise from unknown
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.993 100.000 100.000 99.863 99.809 99.712
3/11/2012 71 - high winds all day
- L2 ramp bursts: 07:20
- L1: increase noise at high windspeeds
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.994 100.000 100.000 99.865 99.812 99.716
3/12/2012 72 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp bursts: 07:20, 16:41
17:39:00, 22:39 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.994 100.000 100.000 99.867 99.814 99.720
3/13/2012 73 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- BWS spike: 16:18
- L2 ramp burst: 08:08, 16:36
1:23:00 - H1: small noise increase at high windspeeds
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L2-L3: slight noise increase at high windspeeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.995 100.000 100.000 99.869 99.817 99.724
3/14/2012 74 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.995 100.000 100.000 99.871 99.819 99.728
3/15/2012 75 - UPS error at 12:42 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.995 100.000 100.000 99.872 99.822 99.731
3/16/2012 76 - no data to IDC error at 09:54
- no data to UCSD error at 15:50
- no data received at UCSD after 15:19:20
63.796 63.843 63.982 97.733 97.740 97.749 99.385 99.348 99.261
3/17/2012 77 - switched over to backup computer at 16:21 - no data to IDC error at 00:24
- no data to UCSD error at 02:00
31.909 31.906 31.893 93.861 93.868 93.875 98.485 98.472 98.386
3/18/2012 78 - no data to IDC error at 00:24 99.931 100.000 100.000 94.198 94.208 94.215 98.504 98.492 98.407
3/19/2012 79 - no data to IDC error at 00:24 100.000 100.000 100.000 94.504 94.513 94.520 98.524 98.511 98.427
3/20/2012 80 - no data to IDC error at 00:24 100.000 100.000 100.000 94.778 94.787 94.794 98.542 98.530 98.447
3/21/2012 81 - H3 hf ramp burst: 14:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 23:16, 23:32
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L1 hf ramp burst: 12:35, 15:18
- L2 ramp burst: 02:37, 05:05, 18:05, 18:47
19:35, 19:55 - H3: increase noise due to ramp burst
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increase noise due to ramp burst
- L2: increase noise due to ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 95.027 95.036 95.042 98.561 98.548 98.466
3/22/2012 82 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:10, 20:05
- L2 ramp burst: 06:02, 16:38
- L2 hf ramp burst: 14:50
- L4 hf ramp burst: 04:17
1:07:00, 23:45 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H1 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 95.253 95.261 95.267 98.579 98.565 98.485
3/23/2012 83 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L1 BDA drop: 05:16
- High winds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 10:50
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 95.459 95.467 95.473 98.596 98.583 98.503
3/24/2012 84 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L1 BDA drop: 01:15
- L2 ramp burst: 09:44, 16:38
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:40, 19:10
- L4 hf ramp burst: 09:25, 18:15
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 95.649 95.656 95.661 98.614 98.600 98.521
3/25/2012 85 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:40
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 95.823 95.830 95.835 98.630 98.616 98.538
3/26/2012 86 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 19:30
18:31:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L3: noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfil events: 00:45, 12:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 95.983 95.990 95.995 98.647 98.632 98.555
3/27/2012 87 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA drop: 20:28
- L2 ramp burst: 03:36, 08:45, 18:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:40, 01:40
22:34:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 96.132 96.139 96.144 98.662 98.648 98.572
3/28/2012 88 - switched back to primary computer from 17:32-17:45
- profile2 windows updates
- inspect all sites
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:24
- L2 ramp burst: 16:51
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:05
18:21:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- all vault open due to inspection
- H1 clk unlocked due to lid movement
98.826 98.892 98.826 96.228 96.237 96.239 98.664 98.651 98.575
3/29/2012 89 - uninstall omci from profile2 and primary - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 08:22
21:19:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 96.358 96.367 96.369 98.680 98.666 98.591
3/30/2012 90 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA large drops
- L2 ramp burst: 12:03, 15:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:10, 17:15
- L4 hf ramp burst: 10:35, 11:05
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 96.358 96.488 96.490 98.680 98.681 98.606
3/31/2012 91 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 12:45, 13:20
0:03:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 96.358 96.601 96.603 98.680 98.695 98.622
4/1/2012 92 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- L2 hf ramp burst: 18:22
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H4 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.695 98.709 98.637
4/2/2012 93 - Delta IV Vandenberg launch - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 04:32, 15:00, 17:31
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:35
19:26:00 (246û 1.7hz) - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- H2: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfil event: 18:45
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.709 98.723 98.651
4/3/2012 94 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- BWS max error spike: 14:48
- L2 ramp burst: 06:10, 16:51
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:46
21:35, 22:20 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- H2: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.724 98.737 98.666
4/4/2012 95 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 10:57, 14:47
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:25
18:27:00 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill events: 19:30, 20:30, 23:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.738 98.750 98.680
4/5/2012 96 - HPWREN outage caused fwrdr issue due to watchdog not working from 3/17 outage. data lost from 21:30-21:39 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA drop: 00:28
- L2 ramp burst: 14:11
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:40
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L3: significantly higher noise at all wind speeds?
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 22:00
99.375 99.306 99.375 99.875 99.861 99.875 98.745 98.756 98.687
4/6/2012 97 - all scheduled tasks fixed by checking run only logged on box and clearing UPS power saving boxes - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 06:22, 15:20, 17:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:30
18:54, 19:46, 19:58 - L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H1 clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 13:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.896 99.884 99.896 98.758 98.769 98.700
4/7/2012 98 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- low windspeeds all day
- H4 ramp burst: 04:22
- L2 ramp burst: 05:37, 13:37, 16:00, 17:15
- L4 noise burst: 05:57
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:10
- L3 hf ramp burst: 08:00
- L4 hf ramp burst: 05:56
- L2: increase noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.911 99.901 99.911 98.771 98.781 98.714
4/8/2012 99 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- low windspeeds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 07:32, 16:21
- L4 noise burst: 07:42
- H4 hf ramp burst: 18:52
- L3 hf ramp burst: 09:45
- 5:15 (30û) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.922 99.913 99.922 98.784 98.794 98.727
4/9/2012 100 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- low windspeeds all day
- H4 noise burst: 08:47
- L2 ramp burst: 13:15, 14:40
- L4 noise burst: 12:42
- H4 hf noise burst: 17:04
- 21:27 (267û) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L4: slight increase due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.931 99.923 99.931 98.797 98.806 98.739
4/10/2012 101 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 13:00, 15:30
- 16:56 (326û) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at increased wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.938 99.931 99.938 98.809 98.817 98.752
4/11/2012 102 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA large drop: 03:45
- high winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.943 99.937 99.943 98.822 98.829 98.764
4/12/2012 103 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- L2 hf ramp burst: 18:50
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfil event @ 10:00
99.931 100.000 100.000 99.942 99.942 99.948 98.833 98.840 98.776
4/13/2012 104 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H4 clk diff too large
- bkfil event @ 07:45, 16:15, 23:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.947 99.947 99.952 98.844 98.852 98.788
4/14/2012 105 GCI problems at 00:34 & 15:34 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfil events @ 00:30, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 15:30
99.861 100.000 100.000 99.941 99.950 99.955 98.855 98.863 98.799
4/15/2012 106 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 19:27, 19:44, 20:12
- H3 hf ramp burst: 15:00
- 22:30 (205û) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.944 99.954 99.958 98.866 98.873 98.811
4/16/2012 107 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 04:32, 11:20, 16:22, 17:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:35, 20:48
- 16:53(345û 2.3hz)
- 17:50(342û 2.2hz)
- 19:16(325û 2.2hz)
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.948 99.957 99.961 98.877 98.884 98.822
4/17/2012 108 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 08:05, 15:48
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:27, 18:07
- L3 hf ramp burst: 11:20
- L4 hf ramp burst: 07:44
- 16:12(297û 2.4hz)
- 23:44(116û 1.9hz)
- H1: integer hz spikes
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: slightly higher at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.959 99.963 98.888 98.894 98.833
4/18/2012 109 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA shift: 04:44
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:00
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L3: higher than usual broadband noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.961 99.965 98.888 98.904 98.843
4/19/2012 110 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L3: higher than usual broadband noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.963 99.967 98.888 98.914 98.854
4/20/2012 111 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA drop: 00:34
- 08:31(286û 1.9hz) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4,L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.965 99.969 98.888 98.924 98.864
4/21/2012 112 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- BWS error spike: 15:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:10, 02:35, 21:42
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:10, 21:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:00
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4,L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.967 99.970 98.888 98.934 98.874
4/22/2012 113 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset 02:59
- L1 single spike: 07:56
- H2 hf ramp burst: 21:20, 04:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:48, 04:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:45
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.968 99.972 98.888 98.943 98.884
4/23/2012 114 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offsets: 00:44, 13:12, 18:38
- H2 ramp burst: 03:44
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:15
- L1 single spike: 05:04, 10:30
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.970 99.973 98.888 98.952 98.894
4/24/2012 115 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L3: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.971 99.974 98.888 98.961 98.904
4/25/2012 116 profile2 updates, remove omci from backup, foam on L2 sensor data gap: 18:45:40 - 18:54:40 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset 02:41
- Moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due work/ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower than others at high wind speeds
- all clk diff too large
- L2 security alarm: 18:30
100.000 100.000 99.951 99.972 99.975 98.888 98.970 98.913
4/26/2012 117 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- L2 hf ramp bursts: 14:20, 15:10
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower than others at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.973 99.976 98.888 98.979 98.923
4/27/2012 118 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- Moderate winds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 16:18
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower than others at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 08:00
100.000 100.000 99.951 99.974 99.977 98.888 98.988 98.932
4/28/2012 119 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset 11:26
- BWS error spike: 13:07
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:15, 15:17
- H4: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.975 99.978 98.888 98.996 98.941
4/29/2012 120 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.976 99.978 98.888 99.005 98.949
4/30/2012 121 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:50
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.977 99.979 98.888 99.013 98.958
5/1/2012 122 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset: 00:54
- moderate winds all day
- L2 hf ramp burst: 02:20
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill events: 08:45, 21:10
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.021 98.967
5/2/2012 123 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.029 98.975
5/3/2012 124 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp bursts: 12:55, 14:25
- H4 hf ramp bursts: 13:10, 14:40
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.037 98.983
5/4/2012 125 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.045 98.991
5/5/2012 126 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.052 98.999
5/6/2012 127 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:00
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.060 99.007
5/7/2012 128 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H2: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.067 99.015
5/8/2012 129 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- BWS error spike: 02:06
- moderate winds throughout the day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H2: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.074 99.023
5/9/2012 130 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 23:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 02:00
- 01:00(334û 1.8hz) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H2: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.081 99.030
5/10/2012 131 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L2 ramp burst: 05:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:13
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.088 99.038
5/11/2012 132 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L3: increased noise
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L4 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.095 99.045
5/12/2012 133 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 20:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 21:05
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly lower at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.102 99.052
5/13/2012 134 Replace CRF radio power inserter Smartserver stopped receiving data from all sites at 20:45, resumed at 23:49 after repairs - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:20, 04:42
- L2 hf ramp burst: 16:00, 07:35, 05:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:55
- H1, H2, H4 integer hz spikes
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H1 clk diff too large 87.344 87.496 99.026 99.038 98.888 99.014 98.966
5/14/2012 135 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:16
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:06
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:15
- H1: increased noise
- H1: integer hz spikes
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.096 99.107 98.888 99.022 98.974
5/15/2012 136 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly more quiet than other sites
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 22:00
100.000 100.000 99.156 99.166 98.888 99.029 98.981
5/16/2012 137 power outages at 12:25, 12:32 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:35, 05:02
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:45, 02:55, 05:12, 22:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:42
- H1 hf ramp burst: 02:30, 22:20
- H4 increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.209 99.219 98.888 99.036 98.989
5/17/2012 138 - reconfigure profile2 to accept H4 NSE channel
- reconfigure H4 (and reboot) to send NSE channel
- No data from H4: 20:45-20:45 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L2 ramp burst: 05:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:05, 07:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 08:25
- 04:08(5û 2.4hz) - H4: integer hz spikes
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 22:00
99.983 99.985 99.255 99.264 98.888 99.043 98.996
5/18/2012 139 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- high winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.296 99.305 98.888 99.050 99.003
5/19/2012 140 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H1 hf ramp burst: 02:20, 22:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:06
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:05
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 19:00
100.000 100.000 99.333 99.341 98.888 99.056 99.010
5/20/2012 141 - umoya offline due to full hard drive at 08:17 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H1 ramp burst: 03:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:25
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:08
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:50
- N/A - N/A 100.000 100.000 99.366 99.374 98.888 99.063 99.017
5/21/2012 142 - Umoya repaired at 22:55 and backfilled - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H4 ramp burst: 04:05
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:50
- H4 ramp burst: 06:00, 21:45
- H2 ramp burst: 07:30
- L2, H1, H2, H4: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L3 increased noise
- L1-L4 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 99.397 99.404 98.888 99.070 99.024
5/22/2012 143 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- moderate winds all day
- L2, H1: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4 8hz bump
- all except H1 clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 18:20
100.000 100.000 99.424 99.431 98.888 99.076 99.031
5/23/2012 144 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- moderate winds all day
- H4 integer hz spikes
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 signficantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.449 99.456 98.888 99.083 99.038
5/24/2012 145 - install soh shelf, add on profile2
- swap h4 sensor cable (no bda)
- H4 BDA = noise test - H1, H2,H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H4 vault open: 21:00
- bkfill events: 21:20, 23:10
100.000 100.000 99.472 99.478 98.888 99.089 99.044
5/25/2012 146 - H4 BDA = noise test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 02:30
100.000 100.000 99.493 99.499 98.888 99.095 99.051
5/26/2012 147 - umoya offline due to UCSD power outage, automatically recovered
- H4 BDA = noise test
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- High winds all day
- N/A - N/A 100.000 100.000 99.513 99.519 98.888 99.101 99.057
5/27/2012 148 - H4 BDA = noise test - L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L2 ramp burst: 06:27, 15:52
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 99.531 99.536 98.888 99.107 99.064
5/28/2012 149 - H4 BDA = noise test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 01:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:25
- H1, H4: integer hz spikes
- L2, H1, H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 08:00
100.000 100.000 99.547 99.553 98.888 99.113 99.070
5/29/2012 150 - H4 BDA = noise test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H1 ramp burst: 03:57, 19:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:35
- N/A - N/A 100.000 100.000 99.563 99.568 98.888 99.119 99.076
5/30/2012 151 - H4 BDA = noise test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:05
- 16:29 (100û 2.4hz)
- 17:20 (103û 1.8hz)
- H1, H4: integer hz spikes
- L2, H1, H2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large 100.000 100.000 99.578 99.583 98.888 99.125 99.082
5/31/2012 152 - install crf soh gps
- H4 BDA 1v signal input cable swap
- L2 remove insulation
- H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- H4 ramp burst: 03:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:20, 20:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 05:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:45
- 23:41 (105û 1.8hz) - L2, H4: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H4 vault open: 19:00
- L2 vault open: 19:00
- bkfil event: 20:00
100.000 100.000 99.591 99.596 98.888 99.131 99.088
6/1/2012 153 - H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset drops every 30min
- L4 BDA offset jump: 04:26
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:15, 00:49, 02:35, 07:15, 18:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:45, 18:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 09:10, 16:12
- 17:12 (103û 1.8hz)
- 18:12 (121û 1.8hz)
- 19:13 (121û 2.0hz)
- H1, H2, L2:increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.137 99.094
6/2/2012 154 - H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- High winds all day
- H1 hf ramp burst: 12:30, 15:20
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff to large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.142 99.100
6/3/2012 155 - H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:50, 21:05
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 08:55, 17:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 13:50, 23:40
- H1, H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 09:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.148 99.106
6/4/2012 156 - H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA dropout noise
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:10, 13:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:10
- H1 hf ramp burst: 07:55
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 08:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.153 99.112
6/5/2012 157 - H4 BDA = 1v test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- moderate wind all day
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill events: 05:00, 16:00, 22:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.159 99.117
6/6/2012 158 - install CRF current sensors
- swap back to orig H4 cable and use battery power supply for sensor
- modify H1 GPS mount to be taller
- outage at 21:39, IO problems caused restarts
- H4 BDA/BDF on battery test
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- H2 ramp burst: 10:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 16:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 19:00
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00, 20:00
- H1 vault open: 20:00
- H4 vault open: 20:00
- bkfill event: 22:00
99.459 99.465 99.910 99.911 98.888 99.160 99.120
6/7/2012 159 - H4 BDA/BDF on battery test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- H2 hf ramp burst: 01:30, 09:30, 15:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 05:55
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:12
- 17:20 (105û 1.8hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.923 99.924 98.888 99.166 99.125
6/8/2012 160 - H4 BDA/BDF on battery test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 hf ramp burst: 00:30, 02:50, 12:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 07:00
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.932 99.933 98.888 99.171 99.131
6/9/2012 161 - H4 BDA/BDF on battery test - H3 BDA irregular spikes
- High winds all day
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H4 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.940 99.941 98.888 99.176 99.136
6/10/2012 162 - H4 BDA/BDF on battery test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- moderate wind all day
- H1 hf ramp burst: 07:45, 17:05
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 13:00
100.000 100.000 99.946 99.947 98.888 99.181 99.141
6/11/2012 163 - H4 BDA/BDF on battery test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- H1 ramp burst: 07:05
- H2 ramp burst: 13:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:08
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 17:15
- 23:39 (109û 2.0hz) - H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1 integer hz spikes
- L1 increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 17:30
100.000 100.000 99.951 99.951 98.888 99.186 99.147
6/12/2012 164 - remove H4 battery, return to orig
- clean H2, L2, L4 vaults
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s return after swap
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- H1 ramp burst: 07:35
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:45
- L1 hf ramp burst: 07:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:20, 12:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:40
- 17:42 (105û 2.4hz)
- 20:30 (109û 2.4hz)
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 GPS clock unlocked: 06:00
- H2 vault open: 17:00
- H4 vault open: 17:00
- L2 vault open: 17:00
- L4 vault open: 18:00
- bkfill event: 13:30
100.000 100.000 99.955 99.955 98.888 99.191 99.152
6/13/2012 165 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- moderate winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:50, 02:40, 07:20, 18:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:00
- H1 hf ramp burst: 10:45
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 99.958 99.959 98.888 99.196 99.157
6/14/2012 166 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- L4 BDA large drop: 06:43
- high winds all day
- H1 ramp burst: 12:55, 15:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 15:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:30
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- power spike at 17:50?
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.961 99.962 98.888 99.201 99.162
6/15/2012 167 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 06:40
- H1 ramp burst: 08:35
- L2 ramp burst: 07:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:30, 15:20, 21:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 17:00
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill events: 20:30, 22:00
100.000 100.000 99.964 99.964 98.888 99.206 99.167
6/16/2012 168 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 05:40
- L2 ramp burst: 06:45
- H1 ramp burst: 07:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:25
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:50, 15:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 17:15
- 03:17 (240û 2.2hz)
- 07:12 (279û 1.7hz)
(Air force space plane landing)
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.966 99.967 98.888 99.210 99.172
6/17/2012 169 - noted long GCI outage and backfill - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 05:18
- L2 ramp burst: 06:30
- H1 ramp burst: 07:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:10, 19:35, 23:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:05
- 00:35 (221û 2.4hz) - H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.968 99.969 98.888 99.215 99.177
6/18/2012 170 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:40, 09:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:50, 08:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 13:20, 14:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:55
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill events: 02:30, 18:00
100.000 100.000 99.970 99.970 98.888 99.220 99.182
6/19/2012 171 - high winds all day - N/A - all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 15:00
100.000 99.977 99.972 99.971 98.888 99.224 99.186
6/20/2012 172 - conduct tour for engineers meeting - high winds all day
- H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA irregular spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:10, 07:10, 18:00, 21:25
- H1 hf ramp burst: 09:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:05
- L3 hf ramp burst: 20:25
- 20:18 (104û 2.0hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- current increase: 18:42 (monitors left on)
- CRF door open: 18:42
100.000 100.000 99.973 99.972 98.888 99.229 99.191
6/21/2012 173 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 09:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 18:25
- L3 hf ramp burst: 04:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:50, 14:45
- 15:51 (335û 1.7hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.974 99.973 98.888 99.233 99.196
6/22/2012 174 - High wind speeds all day - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 18:40
100.000 100.000 99.975 99.975 98.888 99.238 99.200
6/23/2012 175 - High wind speeds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 12:40
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.976 99.976 98.888 99.242 99.205
6/24/2012 176 - Moderate wind speeds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:20
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.977 99.977 98.888 99.246 99.209
6/25/2012 177 - High wind speeds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:45
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.978 99.978 98.888 99.251 99.214
6/26/2012 178 - High wind speeds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:35
- H1, L1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts - all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.979 99.979 98.888 99.255 99.218
6/27/2012 179 - High wind speeds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 08:05, 17:25
- 04:01 (104û 2.2hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2, L2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.980 99.979 98.888 99.259 99.223
6/28/2012 180 - Moderate wind speeds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 10:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:10, 16:45
- 03:59 (103û 2.4hz)
- 18:11 (108û 2.2hz)
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.981 99.980 98.888 99.263 99.227
6/29/2012 181 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:05, 10:55, 16:45
- 02:57 (314û 1.5hz)
- 19:49 (231û 2.7hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
- bkfill events: 02:30, 18:00, 20:00, 21:30
100.000 9.167 99.981 96.849 98.888 99.267 98.729
6/30/2012 182 - High winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:45, 17:10
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
- bkfill event: 23:30
100.000 0.000 99.982 93.620 98.888 99.271 98.187
7/1/2012 183 - High winds all day
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:30, 19:35
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 98.888 99.275 97.650
7/2/2012 184 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:35, 18:40, 20:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:45, 15:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:30, 14:50, 16:15
- L3 hf ramp burst: 22:10
- 19:07 (109û 2.2hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1, L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 98.888 99.279 97.120
7/3/2012 185 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 08:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:00, 18:50, 21:05
- L2 hf ramp burst: 02:20, 04:15, 11:50, 15:05
- L3 hf ramp burst: 03:20
- L1 hf ramp burst: 09:00
- H2 hf ramp burst:12:30
- 16:52 (110û 2.4hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2, L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
- bkfil event: 17:00
100.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 98.888 99.283 96.595
7/4/2012 186 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 09:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:45, 21:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:05, 11:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 11:50, 12:25
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
- bkfill event: 08:00
100.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 98.888 99.287 96.075
7/5/2012 187 - I57CF stopped transmitting at 22:15 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 06:05
- H1 ramp burst: 10:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 15:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 21:10
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 98.888 99.291 95.562
7/6/2012 188 - I57CF started transmitting at 22:17 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA spikes random
- H4 ramp burst: 02:00, 06:35
- H1 ramp burst: 10:40
- H3 hf ramp burst: 00:40, 03:30, 22:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:05, 15:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 15:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:10, 23:10
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 16.667 98.888 99.294 95.585
7/7/2012 189 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA spikes random
- H3 hf ramp burst: 04:50, 20:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:55, 08:05, 18:30
- H1 hf ramp burst: 14:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 13:40
- H1, H3, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 28.571 98.888 99.298 95.609
7/8/2012 190 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 hf ramp burst: 05:30, 19:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:20, 09:45, 17:20, 19:00
- L3 hf ramp burst: 23:20
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 37.500 98.888 99.302 95.632
7/9/2012 191 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset: 05:33
- H4 ramp burst: 13:55, 15:00
- H3 hf ramp burst: 06:40, 18:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:45, 17:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 8:35
- H3, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1 noisy at high wind speeds
- H1, H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 44.444 98.888 99.306 95.655
7/10/2012 192 - BKO bad data 22:20
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 hf ramp burst: 03:45
- H3 hf ramp burst: 08:40, 17:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:40, 12:25, 17:25
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:00, 21:05
- H3, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1 noisy at high wind speeds
- H1, H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 50.000 98.888 99.309 95.677
7/11/2012 193 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:40
- H3 hf ramp burst: 11:05, 15:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:35, 16:40
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 54.545 98.888 99.313 95.700
7/12/2012 194 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L2 ramp burst: 03:25
- L1 hf ramp burst: 03:35
- H3 hf ramp burst: 08:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:15, 23:20
- 02:39 (14û 1.8hz)
- 16:49 (280û 1.5hz)
- 22:41 (103û 2.4hz)
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 58.333 98.888 99.316 95.722
7/13/2012 195 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 11:25
- L2 ramp burst: 13:00, 15:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:50
- L1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 61.538 98.888 99.320 95.744
7/14/2012 196 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 02:25, 18:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:20, 22:05
- L2 hf ramp burst: 02:40
- 20:25 (199û 2.0hz) - H1, L1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 64.286 98.888 99.323 95.765
7/15/2012 197 - BWS error spike: 17:05
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 05:35
- H4 ramp burst: 05:50
- L2 ramp burst: 07:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 21:10
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 66.667 98.888 99.327 95.787
7/16/2012 198 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- moderate winds all day
- H1 hf ramp burst: 05:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:00
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 68.750 98.888 99.330 95.808
7/17/2012 199 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:00
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 70.588 98.888 99.333 95.829
7/18/2012 200 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 19:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:50
- 21:03 (117û 2.2hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 72.222 98.888 99.337 95.850
7/19/2012 201 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L4 BDA offset drop: 01:18
- H4 ramp burst: 06:35
- H1 ramp burst: 09:00
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 12:40, 14:55, 19:45
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:15
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 73.684 98.888 99.340 95.871
7/20/2012 202 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA random spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 07:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 10:10, 15:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:25
- 20:17 (115û 2.6hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
- bkfill event: 00:20
100.000 100.000 100.000 75.000 98.888 99.343 95.891
7/21/2012 203 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 10:55
- H1 ramp burst: 12:20
- L2 ramp burst: 13:10, 14:25
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:30
- H1 hf ramp burst: 15:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 17:05
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 76.190 98.888 99.347 95.911
7/22/2012 204 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 BDA noise
- H1 ramp burst: 13:25, 15:00
- H4 ramp burst: 13:15
- L2 ramp bursts: 14:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:15, 02:05, 16:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:30
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00
- bkfill event: 08:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 77.273 98.888 99.350 95.932
7/23/2012 205 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 BDA noise
- H1 ramp burst: 13:30, 14:50
- H4 ramp burst: 14:05, 15:15
- H3 hf ramp burst: 03:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:00, 13:00
- 21:05 (110û 2.0hz) - H1, H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked:02:00
- bkfill event: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 78.261 98.888 99.353 95.951
7/24/2012 206 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 13:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 15:20
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
- bkfill events: 07:00, 16:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 79.167 98.888 99.356 95.971
7/25/2012 207 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:40
- 22:42 (121û 2.4hz) - L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 80.000 98.888 99.359 95.990
7/26/2012 208 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 13:10
- L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H2 gps unlocked: 02:00
- bkfill event: 14:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 80.769 98.888 99.362 96.010
7/27/2012 209 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:00
- L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 81.481 98.888 99.365 96.029
7/28/2012 210 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- high winds all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 10:30
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 82.143 98.888 99.368 96.048
7/29/2012 211 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA random spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 09:35
- H1 ramp burst: 11:55
- H3 hf ramp burst: 04:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:25
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:25, 18:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 15:35
- H1, H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 82.759 98.888 99.371 96.066
7/30/2012 212 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 11:45
- H3 hf ramp burst: 02:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 17:30
- 22:05 (162û 2.2hz) - H1, H3, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 83.333 98.888 99.374 96.085
7/31/2012 213 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA random spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 06:35, 23:05
- H1 ramp burst: 11:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 12:15, 15:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:20, 15:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:50
- 00:09 (283û 1.5hz)
- 06:07 (5û 2.0hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 83.871 98.888 99.377 96.103
8/1/2012 214 - applied updates on profile2 remotely
- processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- profile2: no data from 17:13 - 17:39 - BWS error spike: 14:43
- H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:30, 18:00
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:25, 17:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 18:35, 21:15
- 16:20 (112û 2.0hz)
- 18:09 (240û 1.5hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.380 96.122
8/2/2012 215 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 06:30, 17:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:45, 08:50, 19:25
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:50
- 00:45 (212û 1.7hz)
- 00:48 (213û 1.5hz)
- 02:01 (17û 2.2hz)
- 02:28 (16û 2.0hz)
- 02:31 (16û 2.0hz)
- 03:16 (16û 2.0hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
- bkfill event: 22:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.383 96.140
8/3/2012 216 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 09:15
- H4 ramp burst: 09:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:05
- L2 hf ramp burst: 08:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:25, 18:05
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:35
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
- bkfill event: 10:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.386 96.158
8/4/2012 217 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 08:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 08:10, 16:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:30, 17:45
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.389 96.175
8/5/2012 218 - H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 09:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 08:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:15, 17:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 08:50, 16:00
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
- bkfill event: 09:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.392 96.193
8/6/2012 219 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 10:45
- H1 hf ramp burst: 09:05, 16:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 16:10, 17:10
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: intermittent broadband noise with high rolloff
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.394 96.210
8/7/2012 220 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA random spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 13:20
- L1 hf ramp burst: 01:55
- H1 hf ramp burst: 10:30, 15:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 11:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:25, 14:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 15:40
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.397 96.227
8/8/2012 221 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA random spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 14:00, 15:25
- H1 hf ramp burst: 10:50, 15:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:30
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.400 96.244
8/9/2012 222 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 13:20, 15:05
- H3 hf ramp burst: 02:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:15
- 16:43 (110û 2.0hz) - H1, H3, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H4 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.402 96.261
8/10/2012 223 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 hf ramp burst: 03:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 11:45, 15:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:25
- H1, H3, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.405 96.278
8/11/2012 224 - Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps - auto transfer to generator backup power 20:52 - 20:58
- profile2: no data 10:31:40 - 10:32:00
- primary also has bad (zero) data on H1, H2, H3 from 05-10?
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- NA
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.408 96.295
8/12/2012 225 - Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps - auto transfer to generator backup power 22:59 - 23:04 (sudden temp drop - may have been thunderstorm, see filt 7-9 from 22:12-22:36)
- profile2 stopped transmitting @ 23:17
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 06:50
- H4 ramp burst: 10:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:30, 10:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:50, 16:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:35, 15:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:30
- 06:34 (earthquake) - H1, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.410 96.311
8/13/2012 226 - restart profile2 software @ 15:43
- Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- Profile2 started transmitting @ 15:45 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 06:25
- H4 ramp burst: 09:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:50, 17:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 08:10, 16:00
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.413 96.328
8/14/2012 227 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 08:45
- H4 ramp burst: 12:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:30, 10:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:30, 17:00
- H1 hf ramp burst: 16:55
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.416 96.344
8/15/2012 228 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 09:20
- H4 ramp burst: 13:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:45
- 17:42 (112û 1.7hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.418 96.360
8/16/2012 229 - auto transfer to generator backup power 21:09 - 21:15 - Several BWS error spikes: 14:12
- H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 08:35
- H4 ramp burst: 10:30, 13:35, 17:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:50, 09:55, 17:55
- 21:19 (262û 1.8hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.421 96.376
8/17/2012 230 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 07:30
- H4 ramp burst: 11:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:05, 08:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:10, 17:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:15
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.423 96.391
8/18/2012 231 - BWS error spike: 15:47
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 04:25
- H4 ramp burst: 09:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 00:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:35, 18:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:55, 11:10
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:45
- 21:28 (220û 2.6hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
- bkfill event: 21:15
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.426 96.407
8/19/2012 232 - BWS error spike: 22:06
- H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 03:30
- H4 ramp burst: 06:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:00, 19:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:50, 10:25
- 23:03 (284û 2.6hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
- bkfill event: 07:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.428 96.423
8/20/2012 233 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 04:20
- H4 ramp burst: 06:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:00, 07:00, 16:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:25, 22:00
- 19:12 (69û 2.0hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 99.861 100.000 99.993 98.888 99.431 96.437
8/21/2012 234 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 BDA offset: 08:30
- H1 ramp burst: 05:50
- H4 ramp burst: 09:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 12:20, 15:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:05, 18:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 14:30
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:30
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 98.611 100.000 99.927 98.888 99.433 96.447
8/22/2012 235 - BWS error spike 13:12
- H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 04:45
- H4 ramp burst: 08:45
- L2 ramp burst: 13:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 13:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 22:30
- 17:12 (289û 2.0hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
- bkfill event: 11:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.931 98.888 99.436 96.462
8/23/2012 236 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 spike series: 06:40
- H1 ramp burst: 02:30
- H4 ramp burst: 05:05
- H1 hf ramp burst: 00:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:10
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.934 98.888 99.438 96.477
8/24/2012 237 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:10
- H1 hf ramp burst: 21:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 22:10
- 20:44 (232û 1.7hz) - H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.936 98.888 99.440 96.492
8/25/2012 238 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 random BDA spikes
- H4 ramp burst: 05:00
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:10, 20:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:20, 15:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:50
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.939 98.888 99.443 96.506
8/26/2012 239 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 05:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:45, 19:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:30, 15:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:35
- 20:59 (133û 1.3hz)
- 23:35 (112û 2.0hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
- bkfill event: 04:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.941 98.888 99.445 96.521
8/27/2012 240 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:25, 06:40, 19:30
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:35, 18:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:50
- 04:42 (110û 1.9hz) - H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
- bkfill events: 08:30, 16:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.943 98.888 99.447 96.535
8/28/2012 241 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 08:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 05:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:55
- 00:41 (105û 2.0hz)
- 20:40 (105û 2.0hz)
- 20:51 (105û 2.2hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.945 98.888 99.450 96.550
8/29/2012 242 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H3 BDA negative offsets
- H1 ramp burst: 04:35
- H4 ramp burst: 07:25
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:35, 18:20
- 21:04 (111û 2.0hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.947 98.888 99.452 96.564
8/30/2012 243 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 04:00
- H4 ramp burst: 07:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:35, 22:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:30, 22:30
- 12:40 (290û 1.3hz)
- 18:52 (64û 1.9hz)
- 20:06 (271û 2.2hz)
- 20:16 (231û 1.9hz)
- 20:30 (228û 2.0hz)
- 20:57 (144û 1.7hz)
- 21:20 (146û 2.8hz)
- 21:28 (262û 1.5hz)
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.949 98.888 99.454 96.578
8/31/2012 244 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H2 hf ramp burst: 01:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:00, 15:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 23:30
- 16:07 (110û 2.2hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 99.951 98.888 99.456 96.592
9/1/2012 245 - BWS error spike: 02:07
- H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:25
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L4 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.459 96.606
9/2/2012 246 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:10, 20:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:50
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.461 96.620
9/3/2012 247 - H1, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- L3 BDA offset: 06:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:30, 07:40, 18:30, 22:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 05:30, 17:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:15, 15:55
- H1, H2, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.463 96.634
9/4/2012 248 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 06:05
- H2 ramp burst: 10:00
- H4 ramp burst: 09:25
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 16:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:10
- H1 hf ramp burst: 19:00
- 19:35 (118û 1.3hz)
- 19:42 (67û 1.1hz)
- 20:56 (68û 1.1hz)
- 21:26 (89û 1.2hz)
- 22:28 (91û 1.0hz)
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
- bkfill event: 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.465 96.647
9/5/2012 249 - one frame missing @ 18:06, GCI bandwidth caused forwarder restart - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 04:20
- H4 ramp burst: 06:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:50, 18:30
- H1 hf ramp burst: 20:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:25
- L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
- bkfill events: 18:00, 19:30
99.977 99.977 99.995 99.995 98.888 99.467 96.661
9/6/2012 250 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 ramp burst: 07:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:40, 16:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 19:05
- H1, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
- bkfill event: 08:30
100.000 100.000 99.996 99.996 98.888 99.469 96.674
9/7/2012 251 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:20, 19:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:50, 19:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:55
- H1, H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 99.997 99.997 98.888 99.471 96.687
9/8/2012 252 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 05:05
- H4 ramp burst: 08:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:50, 16:05
- H1 hf ramp burst: 18:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 18:20
- 15:16 (101û 1.9hz)
- 16:19 (113û 2.2hz)
- H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00
100.000 100.000 99.997 99.997 98.888 99.474 96.700
9/9/2012 253 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H1 ramp burst: 05:50
- H4 ramp burst: 10:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 13:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 18:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 20:00
- H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.997 99.997 98.888 99.476 96.713
9/10/2012 254 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDF periods of spiky data
- H3 random BDA spikes and offset
- H4 ramp burst: 09:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:45, 17:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 20:15
- 04:36 (78û 2.2hz)
- 20:58 (221û 2.2hz)
- H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.478 96.726
9/11/2012 255 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDF periods of spiky data
- H4 ramp burst: 03:05
- H2 ramp burst: 05:00
- H2 hf ramp burst: 18:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 23:20
- 18:02 (228û 1.7hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
- bkfill event: 19:00
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.480 96.739
9/12/2012 256 - CRF digitizer outage 12:52-14:14 - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDF periods of spiky data
- H4 ramp burst: 03:30
- H2 ramp burst: 04:55
- L2 ramp burst: 10:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 15:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 21:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 22:50
- 21:29 (209û 2.2hz)
- 21:31 (208û 1.7hz)
- 21:41 (208û 2.2hz)
- H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- H4, L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.482 96.752
9/13/2012 257 - install Profile 2 updates: 18:20
- install test H4 power supply relay: 18:46
- H4 on power supply relay test - H1, H2, H4 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDF periods of spiky data
- H1 ramp burst: 02:55
- H4 ramp burst: 05:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:25, 15:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:40
- 22:07 (277û 2.2hz) - H2, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
- H4 vault open: 18:45
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.484 96.764
9/14/2012 258 - H4 on power supply relay test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H4 BDF periods of spike data
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:15, 09:45, 18:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:20, 22:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:55
- 01:57 (221û 2.4hz) - H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.486 96.777
9/15/2012 259 - H4 on power supply relay test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:30, 10:10, 18:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 10:45
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
- large bkfill event 20:00
100.000 100.000 99.998 99.998 98.888 99.488 96.789
9/16/2012 260 - H4 on power supply relay test
- no cf data after 14:00
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 ramp burst: 02:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:20, 18:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:10, 15:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 22:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:00, 10:30, 19:13
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.490 96.802
9/17/2012 261 - H4 on power supply relay test
- cf data returned at 11:04
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 02:40, 21:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:20, 11:15, 19:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:00
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:00, 15:40
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 23:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.492 96.814
9/18/2012 262 - H4 on power supply relay test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:00, 21:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:05, 11:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:40, 17:05
- L1 hf ramp burst: 12:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 12:20, 15:05
- H1, H4, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 07:00, 23:00
- bkfill event: 13:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.494 96.826
9/19/2012 263 - H4 ch.3: now collecting relay output voltage
- H1 gps: reconnected surge power board to ground
- Profile2: updates and firewall changes
- Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- H4 on power supply relay test - H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf BDF spikes every 1.5min starting: 17:00
- L1 ramp burst: 11:05
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:20, 19:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:25, 12:15, 20:55
- L2 hf ramp burst: 07:00, 11:30, 15:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:20, 16:35
- 22:40 (272û 1.9hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 07:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.496 96.838
9/20/2012 264 - rebuild profile2 database
- Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- BWS error spike: 14:24
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf BDF spikes every 1.5min all day
- L2 ramp burst: 14:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:05, 20:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:05, 12:40, 21:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:05, 07:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:00
- 18:00 (110û 2.4hz) - L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- H1, H2, L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 N/A
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.497 96.850
9/21/2012 265 - Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps - H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1, H2, BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf bdf spikes every 1.5min
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:55, 21:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:25, 13:20, 22:00
- L2 hf ramp burst: 08:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 11:15, 16:05
- L1 hf ramp burst: 15:20
- 17:53 (271û 1.9hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 06:00
- H1 N/A
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.499 96.862
9/22/2012 266 - Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps - H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- BWS error spike: 19:16
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 ramp burst: 03:55
- H2 ramp burst: 13:10
- H1 hf bdf spikes every 1.5min
- L2 hf ramp burst: 04:35, 09:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:05, 13:45, 22:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 15:35
- H1, H4, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 N/A
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.501 96.874
9/23/2012 267 - Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps - H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1, H2 BDA spikes every 20s
- H4 BDA spikes every 1.5s
- H1 hf BDF spikes every 1.5min
- L2 hf noisebursts all day
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:25, 14:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 10:30, 16:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:45
- H4, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 N/A
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.503 96.886
9/24/2012 268 - rebuild profile2 database
- reconfigure I57CF
- Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- moderate wind speeds all day
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 hf BDF spikes every 1.5min
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:10, 15:00
- H4, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 N/A
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.505 96.897
9/25/2012 269 - replace H1 gps surge protector
- profile2: windows update, remove zonealarm, turn on windows firewall, restart
- Processed data from primary manually in archive to avoid gaps
- H4 on power supply relay test
- Profile2 data has gaps due to corrupt database
- H1 GPS not locking
- high wind speeds all day
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:15, 15:25, 23:45
- L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- bkfill event: 22:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.507 96.909
9/26/2012 270 - H4 on power supply relay test - H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:10
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:15, 06:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:25, 15:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:00
- H1, H4, L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1/L2 clk diff too large
- H1 GPS unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.509 96.920
9/27/2012 271 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:10, 07:30, 15:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:20
- 23:10 (249û 1.7hz) - H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 GPS unlocked: 06:00
- bkfill event: 00:30
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.510 96.932
9/28/2012 272 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 ramp burst: 02:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:10, 07:55, 15:40
- H1 hf ramp burst: 21:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 05:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:50
- 01:46 (196û 2.0hz) - H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 GPS unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.512 96.943
9/29/2012 273 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 ramp burst: 02:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 00:45, 08:05, 16:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:30, 05:30
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 21:20
- H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 GPS unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.514 96.954
9/30/2012 274 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:00, 20:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 06:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:35
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 GPS unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 99.999 99.999 98.888 99.516 96.965
10/1/2012 275 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF missing
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:30, 08:50, 17:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:30, 20:10
- L1 hf ramp burst: 07:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:00, 16:00
- H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.518 96.976
10/2/2012 276 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF back online: 09:00
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H2 hf ramp burst: 00:45, 01:50, 02:10, 12:10, 15:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:45, 09:25, 17:35
- H1 hf ramp burst: 03:50, 19:50
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:00
- H2, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L1: increased noise at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3, L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.519 96.987
10/3/2012 277 - H4 on power supply relay test - H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:20
- H1 hf ramp burst: 04:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:45
- H1, H4, L2: increased noise due to ramp bursts
- L4: significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00, 22:00
- bkfil event: 23:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.521 96.998
10/4/2012 278 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- BWS error spike: 13:59
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 10:00
- high winds all day
- L2, L3: increased noise due to ramp burst
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 06:00, 21:00
- bkfil event: 23:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.523 97.009
10/5/2012 279 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:20, 09:35,18:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:50, 16:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 18:10
- H1 hf ramp burst: 20:45
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1- L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.524 97.020
10/6/2012 280 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:00, 09:45, 17:50
- H1 hf ramp burst: 02:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:20, 16:45
- H1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfil events: 06:00, 12:00, 23:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.526 97.030
10/7/2012 281 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 hf ramp burst: 01:25, 22:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:15, 09:30, 18:05
- H2 hf ramp bursts: 11:10, 16:40
- 21:41 (306û 1.9hz) - H1, H2, H4, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfil events: 06:00, 14:00, 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.528 97.041
10/8/2012 282 - reset I57CF digitizer to factory default - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H1 hf ramp burst: 01:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:05, 09:45, 17:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 08:30, 17:10
- H1, H2, H4, L2: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill events: 04:00, 08:00, 15:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.530 97.051
10/9/2012 283 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:20, 09:40, 18:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 09:15
- H1, H4, L2, L3: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.531 97.062
10/10/2012 284 - H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:05, 09:55, 17:50
- H2 hf ramp burst: 07:10
- H1, H2, L2, L3: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill event: 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.533 97.072
10/11/2012 285 - H4: install smooth cap on relay setup
- L2: check for leaks at sensor
- L3: attempt to reseal primary manifold
- Brief power failure @ 19:32
- H4 on power supply relay test
- I57CF has gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:05, 17:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:30
- H1, H2, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.534 97.082
10/12/2012 286 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF offline at 08:18
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 09:00, 16:15
- 22:51 (261û 2.1hz) - H1, L2: increased noise
- L4 significantly quieter at high wind speeds
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.536 97.093
10/13/2012 287 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- L2 ramp burst: 08:20, 15:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:55, 17:10
- L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.538 97.103
10/14/2012 288 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H2 hf ramp burst: 00:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:05
- 23:28 (278û 2.1hz) - H2, L2: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.539 97.113
10/15/2012 289 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- no I57CF data
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:43, 09:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:50, 18:50
- 22:27 (256û 1.9hz) - L1, L2: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 & H4 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.541 97.123
10/16/2012 290 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF data returns at 15:37
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- L2 hf ramp burst: 02:50, 18:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:10, 18:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:20
- 22:58 (200û 2.0hz) - L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.543 97.133
10/17/2012 291 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:00, 09:20
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:15
- H1 hf ramp burst: 23:50
- 17:23 (228û 1.9hz)
- 18:40 (254û 1.9hz)
- 18:43 (199û 2.0hz)
- 21:50 (245û 2.2hz)
- 21:55 (245û 2.2hz)
- 23:10 (227û 2.2hz)
- 23:50 (328û 2.6hz)
- H1, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.544 97.143
10/18/2012 292 - process data from primary manually, somehow the overnight processing got rid of L channels? - bolide n. ca @ 03:15
- H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 06:40, 17:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:35
- 00:13 (246û 2.6hz)
- 00:50 (194û 2.2hz)
- 19:51 (230û 2.2hz)
- 21:17 (246û 2.6hz)
- 23:51 (110û 2.2hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfil event: 23:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.546 97.152
10/19/2012 293 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:10, 09:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:50, 18:15
- 03:15 (244û 2.4hz)
- 20:21 (223û 2.4hz)
- 22:49 (286û 2.4hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.547 97.162
10/20/2012 294 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:05, 09:45
- L2 hf ramp burst: 03:10
- H2 hf ramp burst: 05:40
- 00:36 (246û 1.2hz) - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L4: integer hz spikes
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.549 97.172
10/21/2012 295 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- high winds all day
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill event: 22:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.550 97.181
10/22/2012 296 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- high winds all day
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L1 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.552 97.191
10/23/2012 297 - H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- H2 hf ramp burst: 01:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:15
- 03:16 (244û 2.6hz) - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.553 97.200
10/24/2012 298 - Installed voltage regulator at H4
- swapped comm. connectors on CF relay box
- H4 relay with smooth cap
- I57CF large gaps
- H4 large BDA spikes at relay switches
- moderate winds all day
- L2 hf ramp burst: 13:40
- H4, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- H4 vault open: 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.555 97.210
10/25/2012 299 - H4 relay with cap & regulator - L2 ramp burst: 12:35, 15:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 01:30
- L4 hf ramp burst: 11:30
- 03:21 (243û 2.0hz)
- 05:50 (243û 2.2hz)
- 18:36 (202û 1.8hz)
- 18:51 (220û 2.2hz)
- 21:45 (244û 2.4hz)
- 22:16 (225û 2.4hz)
- 23:11 (242û 1.5hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfil event: 23:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.556 97.219
10/26/2012 300 - H4 relay with cap & regulator
- I57CF large gaps
- relay large drop at 15:15-15:49
- H4 spike: 15:49
- L1 spike: 16:10
- 00:59 (193û 2.0hz)
- 02:33 (245û 2.0hz)
- 03:10 (243û 2.2hz)
- 04:39 (243û 2.2hz)
- 22:07 (280û 2.2hz)
- 22:28 (280û 2.2hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill event 23:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.558 97.228
10/27/2012 301 - 03:15 - 06:30 pinon power outage
- H4 relay with cap & regulator
- I57CF large gaps
- Relay problems cause H4 data issues
- L3 BDA 5 negative drops
- H4 spike 07:41
- L3 spike 06:40
- H4 bad data 15:44-23:33
- L2 hf ramp burst: 11:20, 13:10, 13:40
- H2 hf ramp burst: 21:55
- H4, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill event 06:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.559 97.237
10/28/2012 302 - H4 relay with cap & regulator
- I57CF large gaps
- relay problems cause H4 data issues
- H4 bad data
- H2 hf ramp burst 02:30, 21:20
- L4 hf ramp burst: 11:30
- 15:38 (245û 3.0hz)
- 19:52 (224û 2.3hz)
- H4, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3, L1 clk diff too large
- h1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- H4 status bit set: 16:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.561 97.247
10/29/2012 303 - Removed power relay at h4 - H4 relay with cap & regulator
- I57CF large gaps
- relay problems cause H4 data issues
- H4 bad data
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:05
- H2 hf ramp burst: 02:50, 20:50
- L3 hf ramp burst: 10:50
- L4 hf ramp burst: 14:50
- H4, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- H4 vault open: 18:00
- bkfill event: 05:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.562 97.256
10/30/2012 304 - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:25
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:10
- 01:02 (270û 2.0hz)
- 18:29 (298û 2.4hz)
- 19:46 (244û 2.4hz)
- 20:07 (244û 1.5hz)
- 21:16 (244û 1.7hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill event: 09:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.564 97.265
10/31/2012 305 - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H3 spikes: 05:45, 06:25
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:27
- H2 hf ramp burst: 20:40
- 01:22 (245û 2.0hz)
- 01:29 (245û 1.9hz)
- 01:52 (245û 1.9hz)
- 03:07 (244û 1.9hz)
- 03:12 (242û 2.4hz)
- 03:34 (244û 2.0hz)
- 18:38 (224û 2.6hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.565 97.274
11/1/2012 306 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:20
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:05
- 23:53 (215û 2.6hz) - L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
- bkfill events: 16:00, 23:50
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.566 97.283
11/2/2012 307 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L3 spike: 09:00, 12:28
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:15, 21:55
- L4 hf ramp burst: 15:10
- 20:05 (271û 2.4hz)
- 20:28 (271û 1.5hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 05:00, 21:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.568 97.291
11/3/2012 308 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L3 spike: 08:58
- L2 ramp burst: 13:55, 15:15
- H2 hf ramp burst: 02:15, 22:40
- L4 hf ramp burst: 11:30
- 22:58 (254û 2.2hz) - L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.569 97.300
11/4/2012 309 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L1 spike: 04:27, 19:13
- H2 hf ramp burst: 02:10
- L4 hf ramp burst: 12:45
- 22:13 (232û 1.5hz) - L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00, 20:00
- bkfil event: 15:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.571 97.309
11/5/2012 310 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L1 spike: 01:15
- L2 hf ramp burst: 00:35
- H2 hf ramp burst: 02:30, 20:20
- 20:00 (230û 1.8hz)
- 23:57 (194û 1.9hz)
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00, 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.572 97.318
11/6/2012 311 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:45
- H2 hf ramp burst: 03:50
- 20:43 (234û 2.2hz)
- 22:51 (297û 1.9hz)
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 04:00, 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.573 97.326
11/7/2012 312 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:55
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:00, 19:20
- 18:07 (326û 2.2hz)
- 19:08 (345û 2.2hz)
- 20:56 (227û 1.7hz)
- H4: integer hz spikes
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
- bkfil events: 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 22:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.575 97.335
11/8/2012 313 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H2 hf ramp burst: 04:10
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.576 97.343
11/9/2012 314 - I57CF large gaps - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- high winds all day
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
- bkfill event: 06:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.577 97.352
11/10/2012 315 - No I57CF data - moderate winds all day
- L2 hf ramp burst: 01:45
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H2 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.579 97.360
11/11/2012 316 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 03:40, 20:05, 21:00
- L1 spike: 09:42, 10:37, 14:00, 16:28, 23:18
- H3 ramp burst: 16:30
- 20:34 (209û 1.5hz) - H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.580 97.369
11/12/2012 317 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 01:40, 04:50, 18:55
- H3 ramp burst: 13:20, 17:20
- L1 hf ramp burst: 02:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 22:40
- L2 hf ramp burst: 19:45
- all channels integer hz spikes
- H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.581 97.377
11/13/2012 318 - No I57CF data - L2 ramp burst: 03:00, 08:05, 17:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 01:50, 20:10
- L4 hf ramp burst: 00:30
- L1 hf ramp burst: 04:15
- 09:36 (179û 1.7hz) - L4 integer hz spikes
- H4, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.583 97.385
11/14/2012 319 - no I57CF data - L2 ramp burst: 05:50, 17:00
- L4 hf ramp burst: 02:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:55, 19:45
- L1 hf ramp burst: 07:05, 17:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 15:30
- 18:08 (299û 1.9hz)
- 20:44 (298û 2.2hz)
- 22:21 (336û 2.2hz)
- L4 integer hz spikes
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
- bkfil event: 22:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.584 97.393
11/15/2012 320 - No I57CF data - L2 ramp burst: 08:20, 17:00
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:10, 19:35
- 16:36 (279û 2.2hz) - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.585 97.401
11/16/2012 321 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 08:00, 16:15
- L4 hf ramp burst: 01:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:45, 17:50
- 18:26 (346û 1.9hz) - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
- bkfill event: 20:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.587 97.410
11/17/2012 322 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 13:50
- L4 hf ramp burst: 04:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:40, 17:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 17:10
- 00:23 (218û 2.2hz) - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.588 97.418
11/18/2012 323 - I57CF large gaps - L2 hf ramp burst: 03:50, 17:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:10
- 22:06 (241û 2.1hz) - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.589 97.426
11/19/2012 324 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 05:05, 15:35, 16:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:35, 19:55
- L1 hf ramp burst: 10:50, 16:50
- L1, L2, L4: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
- bkfil event: 23:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.591 97.434
11/20/2012 325 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 06:35, 16:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:20, 19:40
- L1 hf ramp burst: 12:00, 16:35
- 00:28 (192û 2.4hz)
- 20:51 (346û 1.7hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked:03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.592 97.441
11/21/2012 326 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 08:20, 16:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:50, 19:00
- L1 hf ramp burst: 14:10, 15:50
- 03:52 (218û 2.2hz) - L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.593 97.449
11/22/2012 327 - No I57CF data - L2 ramp burst: 11:05, 15:55
- H4 hf ramp burst: 16:15, 18:25
- L4 hf ramp burst: 16:10
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except H3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.594 97.457
11/23/2012 328 - I57CF large gaps - L1 single spike: 05:30
- L2 ramp burst: 13:10, 15:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:35, 17:50
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.596 97.465
11/24/2012 329 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 14:40
- L4 hf ramp burst: 07:20
- H4 hf ramp burst: 07:55, 17:35
- H2 hf ramp burst: 12:35
- L4 hf ramp burst: 12:20
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.597 97.473
11/25/2012 330 - I57CF large gaps - L4 hf ramp burst: 10:15, 17:05
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:20, 16:50
- L1, L2, H4, L4: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.598 97.480
11/26/2012 331 - I57CF large gaps - L4 hf ramp burst: 12:30, 16:50
- H4 hf ramp burst: 12:40, 16:50
- 19:14 (327û 2.4hz)
- 23:27 (346û 2.1hz)
- 23:42 (197û 2.4hz)
- L1, L2, H4, L4: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.599 97.488
11/27/2012 332 - No I57CF data - L2 ramp burst: 14:35, 15:15
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:25, 17:50
- 21:37 (334û 2.4hz)
- 22:31 (344û 2.6hz)
- 23:08 (335û 2.4hz)
- L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.600 97.495
11/28/2012 333 - I57CF large gaps - L2 ramp burst: 14:00, 15:30
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:10
- H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.602 97.503
11/29/2012 334 - No I57CF data - moderate winds all day - 22:07 (339û 1.5hz) - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 98.888 99.603 97.510
11/30/2012 335 - Primary computer failure starting at 22:03
- I57CF large gaps
- moderate winds all day - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
91.876 91.875 99.729 99.729 98.888 99.580 97.494
12/1/2012 336 - backup computer brought online at 00:15 - I57CF large gaps - BWS error spike 14:43
- moderate winds all day
- L2 ramp burst: 15:35
- L2 hf ramp burst: 13:10
- H4 hf ramp burst: 14:10, 15:30
- H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- N/A 98.932 98.899 #DIV/0! 98.932 98.899 98.888 99.578 97.498
12/2/2012 337 - No I57CF data - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 ramp burst: 12:10, 15:40
- H4 hf ramp burst: 11:10
- H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 03:00, 19:00
100.000 100.000 #DIV/0! 99.466 99.449 98.888 99.579 97.505
12/3/2012 338 - No I57CF data - Moderate winds all day - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
- bkfil event: 14:30
100.000 100.000 #DIV/0! 99.644 99.633 98.888 99.580 97.513
12/4/2012 339 - No I57CF data - BWS error spike: 14:50
- H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 ramp burst: 14:20, 15:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 08:20, 17:40
- L4 hf ramp burst: 07:40
- 23:19 (193û 1.1hz)
- 23:42 (102û 2.2hz)
- L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 #DIV/0! 99.733 99.725 98.888 99.582 97.520
12/5/2012 340 - Profile2 updates
- L2: install test power relay
- CRF digitizer: replace bad io cable
- manually process I57 data
- I57CF large gaps
- L2 power relay test (4hr spikes)
- H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L2 ramp burst: 12:50, 15:45
- H4 hf ramp burst: 06:50, 18:20
- L4 hf ramp burst: 07:10, 17:45
- 22:27 (232û 1.9hz) - L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 #DIV/0! 99.786 99.780 98.888 99.583 97.527
12/6/2012 341 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes - 22:34 (269û 1.7hz) - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 #DIV/0! 99.822 99.816 98.888 99.584 97.534
12/7/2012 342 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 09:00, 17:50
- L4 hf ramp burst: 10:30
- 21:12 (349û 1.7hz)
- 22:57 (333û 2.2hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.847 99.843 98.898 99.585 97.542
12/8/2012 343 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- L1 ramp burst: 15:35
- H4 hf ramp burst: 05:50, 19:45
- L4 hf ramp burst: 07:20
- 00:07 (261û 1.3hz)
- 23:18 (246û 1.1hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.867 99.862 98.909 99.586 97.549
12/9/2012 344 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:10, 20:25
- L3 hf ramp burst: 05:40
- L4 hf ramp burst: 05:50
- L1 hf ramp burst: 12:00, 16:40
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.881 99.878 98.919 99.588 97.556
12/10/2012 345 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 04:05
- L1 hf ramp burst: 13:00, 16:30
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.893 99.890 98.929 99.589 97.563
12/11/2012 346 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:10, 21:00
- L1 hf ramp burst: 13:30, 16:40
- 17:04 (116û 2.1hz)
- 17:36 (114û 1.9hz)
- 19:36 (258û 2.2hz)
- 19:55 (263û 1.9hz)
- 21:27 (219û 2.1hz)
- 22:34 (258û 1.3hz)
- 23:22 (253û 1.5hz)
- L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.903 99.900 98.939 99.590 97.570
12/12/2012 347 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 03:35
- 00:14 (269û 2.8hz)
- 02:35 (243û 2.2hz)
- 23:52 (202û 2.2hz)
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 02:00, 18:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.911 99.908 98.948 99.591 97.577
12/13/2012 348 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - H4 BDA 20s spikes
- H4 hf ramp burst: 02:55
- L1, L2, L4: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.918 99.915 98.958 99.592 97.584
12/14/2012 349 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - L1 hf ramp burst: 03:10
- High winds all day
- L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.924 99.921 98.967 99.594 97.591
12/15/2012 350 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - Moderate winds all day - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.929 99.927 98.976 99.595 97.598
12/16/2012 351 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - Moderate winds all day
- H3 hf ramp burst: 16:00
- L1 hf ramp burst: 18:30
- H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.933 99.931 98.985 99.596 97.605
12/17/2012 352 - L2 power relay test (4hr spikes) - Moderate winds all day
- L1 hf ramp burst: 08:30
- H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.937 99.935 98.994 99.597 97.612
12/18/2012 353 - Profile2 updates
- L2: remove test power relay
- CRF digitizer: install IO terminator
- Tamper switch check on all vaults
- Add primary PC back to system
- L2 power relay test (4hr spikes)
- missing data: 17:07 - 17:13
- Moderate winds all day - H1, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all except L3 clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
- bkfil event: 06:30
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.941 99.939 99.003 99.598 97.618
12/19/2012 354 - H3 ramp burst: 15:10, 20:10
- L2 ramp burst: 20:30
- 18:49 (216û 1.9hz) - H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
- bkfil event: 07:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.944 99.942 99.011 99.599 97.625
12/20/2012 355 - L2 ramp burst: 01:25, 20:35
- H3 ramp burst: 03:30, 20:55
- L1 single spike: 16:10
- 00:13 (346û 1.5hz)
- 17:47 (283û 1.9hz)
- 18:26 (285û 1.7hz)
- 21:16 (228û 0.7hz)
- H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.947 99.945 99.020 99.600 97.632
12/21/2012 356 - L2 ramp burst: 01:25, 19:25
- H3 ramp burst: 03:50, 20:40
- L1 hf ramp burst: 02:10, 19:55
- 19:49 (261û 2.4hz)
- 23:25 (278û 2.2hz)
- H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.949 99.948 99.028 99.602 97.638
12/22/2012 357 - L2 ramp burst: 01:25
- H3 ramp burst: 09:30
- L2 hf ramp burst: 19:00
- H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.951 99.950 99.036 99.603 97.645
12/23/2012 358 - L2 ramp burst: 02:30, 03:00
- H3 hf ramp burst: 10:15, 16:00
- L2 hf ramp burst: 18:00
- H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.954 99.952 99.044 99.604 97.652
12/24/2012 359 - high winds all day - L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.956 99.954 99.052 99.605 97.658
12/25/2012 360 - H3 ramp burst: 16:20
- L2 ramp burst: 02:50, 03:35
- 16:23 (279û 0.9hz) - H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.957 99.956 99.059 99.606 97.665
12/26/2012 361 - L2 ramp burst: 23:35
- L1 hf ramp burst: 01:10
- H3 hf ramp burst: 09:10, 15:00
- H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.959 99.958 99.067 99.607 97.671
12/27/2012 362 - L2 ramp burst: 00:20, 19:50, 21:55, 22:15
- H3 hf ramp burst: 10:00, 18:00
- 02:11 (222û 1.9hz) - H3, L1, L2, L3: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 01:00, 17:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.960 99.959 99.074 99.608 97.677
12/28/2012 363 - H3 ramp burst: 10:20, 20:20
- L2 ramp burst: 00:45, 20:40
- L1 hf ramp burst: 03:15, 20:25
- 19:02 (191û 1.7hz)
- 19:32 (269û 2.0hz)
- H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00, 16:00
100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.962 99.961 99.082 99.609 97.684
12/29/2012 364 - L2 ramp burst: 01:25, 20:30, 22:05
- H3 ramp burst: 05:00, 17:40, 20:15
- L1 hf ramp burst: 02:35, 20:25
- H3, L1, L2: increased noise
- L1-L4: 8hz bump
- all clk diff too large
- H1 gps unlocked: 00:00, 16:00
- bkfill events: 13:00, 17:00, 21:00
99.954 100.000 100.000 99.998 99.963 99.962 99.089 99.610 97.690
12/30/2012 365 - H3 ramp burst: 10:00, 18:00
- L1 hf ramp burst: 00:40
- N/A - N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.998 99.964 99.963 99.096 99.611 97.697
12/31/2012 366 - H3 ramp burst: 05:20, 11:00, 14:00, 22:15, 23:25
- L1 hf ramp burst: 21:55
- L2 hf ramp burst: 22:40
- N/A - N/A 100.000 100.000 100.000 99.998 99.966 99.964 99.103 99.612 97.703